Panda3d 支持淡入淡出(Fading)的音频管理模块和类
嘛 因为需求音频的淡入淡出 但Panda3d默认不支持淡入淡出
from runtime_data import game_settings是窝的游戏设置,把相关的东西改成自己的后就可以直接用了!
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- ''' ==================================================================================== Copyright 2013, 2014 Windy Darian (大地无敌), Studio "Sekai no Kagami" (世界之镜制作组) of Seven Ocean Game Arts (七海游戏文化社 , 北京航空航天大学学生七海游戏文化社) @ / Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================================== Created on Jul 29, 2013 Audio manager. @author: Windy Darian (大地无敌)@ / ''' from panda3d.core import AudioSound,AudioManager from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject from direct.interval.LerpInterval import LerpFunc from direct.interval.FunctionInterval import Func,Wait from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence from direct.stdpy.file import exists #use panda3d's file API to support panda's virtual folder from runtime_data import game_settings #spec for my game _fadeinIntervalTable = {} _intervals = [] def play_audio(audio,fadein = 0, volume = 1, loop = False): '''plays an AudioSound''' if loop: audio.setLoop(True) if not fadein: audio.setVolume(volume) else: interval = LerpFunc(_lerpAdjust, duration = fadein, fromData = 0, toData = volume, extraArgs = [audio], blendType = 'easeOut') _fadeinIntervalTable[audio] = interval _intervals.append(interval) #save the interval in the table so if the audio stops during the interval it can stop the interval first interval.start() def stop_audio(audio,fadeout = 0): '''stops an AudioSound, instant or fade-out''' if _fadeinIntervalTable.has_key(audio): #If the audio is currently on fade-in, then stop and remove the fade-in interval _fadeinIntervalTable[audio].pause() _intervals.remove(_fadeinIntervalTable[audio]) del _fadeinIntervalTable[audio] if not fadeout: audio.stop() else: sequence = Sequence(LerpFunc(_lerpAdjust, duration = fadeout, fromData = audio.getVolume(), toData = 0, extraArgs = [audio], blendType = 'easeIn'), Func(audio.stop) ) sequence.start() #reduce volume and stop the sound def play(filepath, manager, loop = False, fadein = 0, volume = 1): '''load a sound in background, and play it when loading finishes''' loader.loadSound(manager, filepath, callback = play_audio,extraArgs = [fadein, volume, loop]) def _lerpAdjust(volume,audio): '''Adjust the volume dynamiclly in fadein and fadeout''' audio.setVolume(volume) _bgmMgr = None _envMgr = None _voiceMgr = None _sfxMgr = None class AudioPlayer(DirectObject): '''Audio Player class of Sogal usually there only need 1 instance ''' def __init__(self): DirectObject.__init__(self) global _bgmMgr,_envMgr,_sfxMgr,_voiceMgr '''if we already has an AudioPlayer instance, we just need to refer to the existing AudioManagers insead of creating some new ones''' if not _bgmMgr: _bgmMgr = AudioManager.createAudioManager() #don't use ShowBase.musicManager for it can only play 1 music at the same time defaultly so it don't support cross-fade base.addSfxManager(_bgmMgr) if not _envMgr: _envMgr = AudioManager.createAudioManager() base.addSfxManager(_envMgr) if not _voiceMgr: _voiceMgr = AudioManager.createAudioManager() base.addSfxManager(_voiceMgr) if not _sfxMgr: _sfxMgr = AudioManager.createAudioManager() base.addSfxManager(_sfxMgr) self.bgmMgr = _bgmMgr self.envMgr = _envMgr self.voiceMgr = _voiceMgr self.sfxMgr = _sfxMgr self.applySettings() self._currentBGM = None #to define there can only be one bgm self._currentENV = None # and one environment sound at the same time '''#test1 Load and play a music loader.loadSound(self.bgmMgr, 'audio/music/God-only-knows-Secrets-of-the-Goddess-.wav', callback = play_audio,extraArgs = [3,1]) ''' '''#test2 A fade-out stop before the fade-in is completed sound = loader.loadSound(self.bgmMgr,'audio/music/God-only-knows-Secrets-of-the-Goddess-.wav') sq = Sequence(Func(play_audio,sound,10),Wait(5),Func(stop_audio,sound,5)) sq.start() ''' '''#test3 Load and play a music self.playBGM('church-organ-music', 2, 1, True) ''' '''#test4 Another music before the fade-in is completed sq = Sequence(Func(self.playBGM,'audio/music/God-only-knows-Secrets-of-the-Goddess-.wav',10), Wait(5), Func(self.playBGM,'audio/music/church-organ-music.wav',10), ) sq.start() ''' def applySettings(self): self.bgmMgr.setVolume(game_settings['music_volume']) #0.75 self.envMgr.setVolume(game_settings['env_volume']) #0.75 self.voiceMgr.setVolume(game_settings['voice_volume']) #1 self.sfxMgr.setVolume(game_settings['sfx_volume']) #1 def playVoice(self, path, volume = 1): pathes = game_settings['voicepathes'] types = game_settings['soundtypes'] for ft in ((folder,type) for folder in pathes for type in types): if exists(ft[0] + path + ft[1]): path = ft[0] + path + ft[1] break play(path, self.voiceMgr, volume = volume) def playSound(self, path, volume = 1): pathes = game_settings['sfxpathes'] #example: ['audio/music','audio',''] types = game_settings['soundtypes'] #example: ['.wav','.ogg',''] for ft in ((folder,type) for folder in pathes for type in types): if exists(ft[0] + path + ft[1]): path = ft[0] + path + ft[1] break play(path,self.sfxMgr, volume = volume) def playBGM(self, path, fadein = 0, volume = 1, loop = True): if self._currentBGM: #if there is a music playing then stop it self.stopBGM(fadein) pathes = game_settings['musicpathes'] types = game_settings['soundtypes'] for ft in ((folder,type) for folder in pathes for type in types): if exists(ft[0] + path + ft[1]): path = ft[0] + path + ft[1] break loader.loadSound(self.bgmMgr, path, callback = self._setAndPlayBGM,extraArgs = [fadein, volume, loop]) def playENV(self, path, fadein = 0, volume = 1, loop = True): if self._currentENV: self.stopENV(fadein) pathes = game_settings['envsoundpathes'] types = game_settings['soundtypes'] for ft in ((folder,type) for folder in pathes for type in types): if exists(ft[0] + path + ft[1]): path = ft[0] + path + ft[1] break loader.loadSound(self.envMgr, path, callback = self._setAndPlayENV,extraArgs = [fadein, volume, loop]) def stopBGM(self, fadeout = 0): if self._currentBGM: stop_audio(self._currentBGM, fadeout) def stopENV(self, fadeout = 0): if self._currentENV: stop_audio(self._currentENV, fadeout) def stopVoice(self): self.voiceMgr.stopAllSounds() def stopSound(self): self.sfxMgr.stopAllSounds() def _setAndPlayBGM(self, audio, fadein, volume, loop): self._currentBGM = audio play_audio(audio, fadein, volume, loop) def _setAndPlayENV(self, audio, fadein, volume, loop): self._currentENV = audio play_audio(audio, fadein, volume, loop)